Midterm Reinforcement: LSCS conducts hybrid group study sessions as preparation for upcoming major academic examinations
Nurturing the community through the act of service.

The La Salle Computer Society (LSCS) through its academics committee, and in partnership with the Peer Tutors Society (PTS) has once again conducted its renowned collaborative five-day midterm group study session last February 13 to 17, 2023. The collective initiative of the two of CCS’ in-house organizations was aimed at helping students under the College of Computer Studies as they suit up for another week-long burning of oil leading up to their midterm examinations.
The building blocks
The group study involved free tutoring sessions led by experienced student Peer Tutors who voluntarily provided academic support to participating CCS students. The participants were given a chance to recall concepts, ask questions, and collaborate ideas with other fellow students regarding their concerns and clarifications to notoriously challenging introductory subjects of the college.
The tutoring event revolved around the fundamental courses in Computer Science including CCPROG1, CCPROG2, CCDSTRU, CSMATH1, CCDSALG, and CSADPRG. Course materials were distributed in advance by accessing the Google Drive folders provided by LSCS and PTS and are free and available to all student participants.
The success of the group study was largely attributed to the dedicated student volunteers who conducted the tutoring event for each of the subjects covered in the event. These students were carefully selected based on their academic performance and their ability to effectively communicate complex concepts to their peers. The participating student tutors are Aaron Dichoso (BSCS-ST), Jonathan Bueno (BSIT), Daphne Go (BSMSCS), Jose Guerra (BSCS-ST), and Aldrey Gaurana (BSIET-GD).
Recall of Fundamentals
The review program commenced with a two-day Discord server session wherein registered students were provided an opportunity to seek academic assistance through the Peer Tutors’ asynchronous responses. Given the mode of exchanging ideas, the aforementioned practice was structured to maximize the capability of the platform while ensuring that tutors were able to seamlessly and promptly respond to every student’s inquiries.
On the 15th of February, during the program’s third day of execution, the supplementary group study event was conducted face-to-face at Br. Andrew Gonzalez Hall that was aimed to further improve the student’s understanding of key course concepts through peer-to-peer learning and enhanced engagement among participants.
Overall, the midterm group study was a successful project to continuously bridge the gap between CCS students through camaraderie, volunteerism, engagement, and collaboration in boosting students’ academic performance— vital proponents in creating an inclusive and supportive learning environment for everyone. La Salle Computer Society recognizes the importance of conducting a peer-led tutoring program and will strive to continue providing opportunities for its members to learn from each other.